

Time to Cut Some Dead Wood? Relevance of J2EE Patterns in the world of EJB3 and Java EE 5 - Part I

By Pradeep LN

With the introduction of Java EE 5, the Java enterprise landscape has gone through a sea change. Although there was some debate over relevance of a few patterns in the J2EE Patterns catalog itself, by and large those patterns were well adopted. In this article Pradeep discusses can some J2EE patterns be considered dead wood? Read more..

EJB 'Springs' Back to Life? A Comparison Between EJB3 and Spring.

By Pradeep LN

The popularity of EJB technology has been steadily falling in recent years in contrast to the Spring framework, which has gone from strength to strength. With the release of EJB 3, Sun seems to be attempting a resurrection of sorts. By liberally borrowing from some of the features of Spring Sun is trying to restore the past legacy of EJB. How much can EJB ‘Spring’ back to life? Pradeep takes you into a deep dive. Read More